When it comes to questions of comfort and cosiness in her house, every woman will always be a woman. A pregnant woman especially, who is looking forward to her baby’s birth, dreams (or plans, depending on her lifestyle and opportunities) of a cosy baby’s room, either luxurious and exquisite or simple and cute. It is a room which has a nicely decorated bed, curtains with lace, a changing table where all the necessary items will be found in perfect order, a cosy chair, chest of drawers or wardrobe where everything will be folded with care or hung up – pyjamas and jackets, dresses or overalls and pants.

Everything will be pink or blue. There will be a bunch of fresh flowers on the table and cute rabbits and bears everywhere.

 It will be a room where Mommy is gently lulling her baby to sleep, putting them to bed, switching on relaxing music and a night light which projects stars on the ceiling, and after saying good night at nine o ‘clock in the evening, she will leave the room, closing the door behind her.

It all sounds very nice but, unfortunately, such a stereotype image, in most cases, is promoted in advertisements (which, no matter what, I treat with respect and gratitude). One should not forget that reality is not always so serenely pink and blue. Now you have a baby who needs you all the time and soon you come to realize that the whole apartment will become a baby’s room.