As soon as your baby begins to sleep through the night and falls asleep at about the same time every evening, you can try to set up one more good habit. There is nothing easier than training yourself to go to bed early. I myself tried to do this about one hundred times.


What was it like before? When my daughter was about 4 months old, she began to sleep through the night, falling asleep at 11 p.m. and waking up at 8 a.m. After a bustling day when I had finished my household chores, I wanted a little time for myself with a cup of tea in front of the TV or in an armchair with a book.

At around midnight I was taking a shower, putting on my pyjamas, looking in the fridge one more time for some delicious pies to snack on, and did some other unnecessary routine job.

Finally, at 12:30 am, I would go to bed, take one last look at my phone to quickly see what had happened in the world over the past day and fall asleep about 30 minutes later with the phone on my chest. So, I was sleeping 6-7 hours a night for a long time, instead of the recommended 8 hours. Of course, the next day was joyless. I was tired, lazy and apathetic. 

Apparently, many women face similar problems. If you are one of them, I suggest you try my way.

For example, if you need to get up at 7 a.m., to sleep 8 hours, you need to fall asleep at 11 p.m. So, every evening (if you want, you can make an exception for the weekend) set 3 alarm clocks:

– the first one is for 9.30 pm. It reminds you that you need to finish all household and urgent chores, take a shower and put on your pyjamas.

– the second one is for 10.30 pm. By this time, you need to put the baby to bed and go to bed with a book, not with the phone or a movie, TV, etc. When you read a book, you relax and fall asleep more easily. If you need to check something on your phone, try to do it before getting into bed.

– the third one is for 10.45 pm. You should be falling asleep, although the time is approximate. You may not even need to set the alarm clock.

 I’m sure you’re tired enough after a busy day. As soon as you start reading, your eyelids will get heavier, you’ll close your eyes, sleep tight all night, and wake up early in the morning, even before your baby wakes up and you’ll have an extra hour of free time.

It is impossible to change everything in one day – habits, especially good ones, develop over the years. But if you make small changes to your life once a week, even insignificant ones, in a year you’ll be surprised by how much you will have changed for the better.